國際學生證 ISIC
國際學生證 (ISIC) 是目前唯一國際上確認的全日制學生證明文件。全世界超過 130 個國家和地區發行,憑證可享全球各地幾萬種不同類型的優惠。每年全世界發證超過 4 千萬張,是目前唯一獲聯合國教育科學文化組織 (UNESCO) 確認的學生證。
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted proof of full-time student status in existence, giving benefits in more than 120 countries worldwide and access to 40,000 discounts. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) endorse the ISIC and recognise it as the unique document for student travel and cultural exchange. 40,000,000 ISIC are issued annually all over the world.
申請方法 Application Method
- ISIC 申請表
- 出生日期證明正本及副本 (例:身份證、護照)
- 全日制學生證明正本及副本,請提供其一:
- 學生證 (內須註明:全日制及有效期)
- 由學校發出證明信(內容包括:全日制學生、入讀年期、與證件相同的名字)
- 證件相片一張 (實體)
- 申請費 (香港及澳門) 每位 : 港幣$ 150
每年9月1日至翌年12月31日止 (凡於1月至8月期間申請,有效期至同年12月31日)
Full time student aged 12 years and above
Application method:
- Online Application;
- Apply at Hong Kong Student Travel Ltd. or ISIC Appointed Office;
- Mail to local HKST Office;
- ISIC application form
- Proof or your date of birth Original and Photocopies(for example: passport, birth certificate, Official Identity Card issued in your country of residence)
- When applying please provide one of the following documents:
- A copy of your university or student identity card, clearly dated and indicating you are a full time student
- A signed and dated letter on official university or school stationery stating you are studying there full time. We prefer an original copy, although photocopies and faxes may be accepted.
- A recent passport sized photograph of yourself
- Application fee (HK & Macau) : HK$ 100
valid from September, for up to 16 months, until December the following year.
(Application from January to August the expiry date will be on 31 December of the same year.)
Application Time
By Post 7 days ; Apply at HKST same day.
ISIC is valid until Dec 31, 2024